HEALINT4ALL – Assuring Quality Health Care Traineeships for Medical and Professionals Allied to Medicine through embedding and exploiting tools across Higher Education

HEALINT4ALL provides Medical Education and Professionals Allied to Medicine an audit system to facilitate quality assurance of EU clinical learning environments. Students will be confident that they can obtain an increased number and variety of safe optimised learning placements through extensive partnerships developed, thus fostering inclusivity.

Opportunity to increase high quality placements internationally through the wider application of the system to the International Standards Organisation, International Workshop Agreement will be explored, as quality assurance will be benchmarked to this standard. Development of the skills and knowledge of auditors and auditor trainees to undertake audit is also critical and will be enhanced using new and innovative digital interactive resources. An existing audit tool currently available as a pdf online version will be newly developed into a digital interactive resource for use electronically by auditors in the field. This project contributes to global citizenship as well as health and wellbeing supported by professionals in promoting high standards and best practice, which will be exported and disseminated widely across multiple professions and with capacity to be utilised across the world.

1. To map and innovatively adapt newly established Audit Protocol and Support tools to suit the Higher Education needs for wider application to medicine and professionals allied to medicine.
2. To develop a digital interactive interactive audit tool, which can be used in situ via ipads etc, supported by access to a central database, which can be easily managed by a provider and suit multi-professions.
3. To develop a virtual interactive learning and teaching resource for auditor preparation and update, which can be cascaded and incorporated into self directed and blended learning.
4. To add further languages of the European Union and incorporate partners integration of the tools in all languages to facilitate wide use across multi-professions.
5. To execute an ongoing programme of intensive dissemination and impact evaluation in order to establish the HEALINT Tools and subsequent IWA as the gold standard audit tool for the assessment of clinical placements supporting international mobility by all healthcare.


Ihmisen toimintakyvyn tutkimuskeskus


1.9.2020 – 31.8.2023

Hankkeen tila



Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
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Ihmisen toimintakyvyn tutkimuskeskus

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