Entrepreneurship studies are a mandatory part of Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Finland, but not in Norway and Lithuania at the moment. Many students establish start-ups, but do not have the knowledge and/or plans for networks and internationalization. There is no program for practical training in entrepreneurship abroad.

The objective of this project is to create long-term entrepreneurship program for internationalization, practical training and future employment. First year will include networking and knowledge sharing with the participating Higher Education Institutions, entrepreneurship associations and local companies in Finland, Norway and Lithuania.
Once the joint objectives, online learning material and the facilities are developed (2018), the students can apply for practical training in partner countries (2019). The entrepreneurship facility arrangements, teachers and mentors are provided by the partners and local communities. In 2020 the program is aiming to expand to other institutions and organizations in Nordic Countries and in Baltics.

All partners and institutions have responsibilities and tasks to enhance the content of courses and produce online material for sharing and further developing. During practical training and possible courses abroad, the support can be provided locally and online. One facility provider will be Robocoast Center of Excellence in Pori. As a result, all participants have more knowledge sharing, cultural experience and how to internationalize in Nordic Countries and in Baltics.

The project will last three years. The implementation methods are collaboration, shared teaching, cultural understanding and couching between the participants.


Tiedolla johtamisen keskus BIC


1.9.2018 – 31.8.2022

Hankkeen tila



Nordplus Horizontal

Timo Salomaa

+358 44 710 3816 timo.salomaa@samk.fi
Faculty of Service Business
Management, Law and Business
Entrepreneurship (online) -team
SAMK Campus Pori

Sinikka Kyngäs

+358 44 710 3421 sinikka.kyngas@samk.fi
Finance and Administration Services
Project Services
SAMK Campus Pori
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Tiedolla johtamisen keskus BIC

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