RoboAI Week 2023: Business Intelligence Thursday for new and better business

The Business Intelligence Morning is all about creating new and better business. The day is for all companies interested in developing their own business and standing out from the competition with specific skills.

Mikko Pakkasela and Hanna Rissanen posing in the studio.
Head of research Mikko Pakkasela and Project Manager Hanna Rissanen at the Business Intelligence Center BIC are looking forward to RoboAI Week's Business Intelligence Day.

Head of research Mikko Pakkasela and Project Manager Hanna Rissanen at the Business Intelligence Center BIC are looking forward to RoboAI Week’s Business Intelligence Day.

Business Intelligence plays a key role in the success of companies and organisations. Business development and the renewal of products and services require companies to better understand their own operations and the market around them.

Success requires the right mix of efficient production and high-quality skills. These in turn are based on a deep understanding of their own business and business environment, and on customer-oriented product and service development.

Closeup of Siamak Naghian.
Genelec’s Siamak Naghian is the keynote speaker for the Business Intelligence morning.

– The Business Intelligence Morning will focus on knowledge development and value creation. What companies can do to get the best possible knowledge, says Mikko Pakkasela, Research Manager at the The Business Intelligence Center BIC.

The keynote speaker for the day will be Siamäk Naghian, CEO of top speaker manufacturer Genelec. Genelec focuses on what people know, what they learn and how to support it. For Naghian, one of the most topical issues is how to lead and develop an innovation environment so that “everyone can be me”.


Business Intelligence is not just about data

The importance of using data to create new services as well as to manage organisational performance has long been growing strongly as a natural part of the digital transformation process. With the accelerating adoption of digitalisation, companies and communities need new skills to manage their data.

– They need to be able to respond better to customer demands and react faster to change. This understanding is based on data collected and processed from business and market data, says Pakkasela.

The expert presentations of the Business Intelligence Morning will focus on these themes. Tenure-track Professor Hongxiu Li from the University of Tampere will talk about business data analytics. According to Li, the existence of data-related resources does not yet guarantee the achievement of these competitive advantages. He highlights that the synergy between business and business data analytics plays an important role in the effective use of business data analytics to achieve competitive advantages.

The day will conclude with a panel discussion bringing together Siamäk Naghian, CEO of Genelec, Vesa Törölä, Director of Development at Boliden and Katariina Yrjönkoski, Project Director at the University Centre of Pori. The panel discussion will be moderated by Mikko Pakkasela, Head of research center at SAMK’s Business Intelligence Center BIC, and Marko Seppänen, Professor of Knowledge Management at the Tampere University.


The Business Intelligence Morning will take place during RoboAI week on 20 April 2023, starting at 8.00 am.

The presentations are mainly in Finnish.

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Check out the RoboAI Weeks programme!

More about the Business Intelligence Center BIC


For more information:
Mikko Pakkasela
tel. +358447103189

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