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Teachers from SAMK and NMU familiarize themselves with the MeWet home, which integrates welfare and health technology.

SAMK and NMU collaborate to develop a Master's level study module in rehabilitation technology

The TecRe project aims to promote Master’s level rehabilitation technology education by developing and implementing a comprehensive study module collaboratively designed by Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) and Bogomolets National Medical University (NMU), Ukraine.

DIVERSE University Alliance representatives meet at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico.

A significant step for the internationalisation of Satakunta – SAMK joins the European Commission's flagship collaboration

The European Commission has awarded the Seal of Excellence to the DIVERSE University Alliance comprising Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) and 11 other European higher education institutions. This positions SAMK as part of the flagship collaboration of the Commission’s European Strategy for Universities.

Seeking a new career or skill upgrade? Choose Open University of Applied Sciences.

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