Information requests can be made by e-mail kirjaamo@samk.fi or by mail to the address
Satakunta University of Applied Sciencies
PL 1001
28101 Pori
Describe the information you need as precisely as possible, as is exemplified in the descriptions of the information assets.
Some of the assets include information that must be kept secret based on Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999).
“SAMK is a competent and prosperous higher education community”
“SAMK promotes the integration of international students, teachers, researchers and other experts by developing possibilities for studying and working”
“SAMK has a comprehensive selection of work-based and multiform degree and continuing education entities”
“SAMK promotes the integration of international students, teachers, researchers and other experts by developing possibilities for studying and working”
” SAMK is a uniting force for the working life, education, and research cooperating in the region”
“SAMK promotes the integration of international students, teachers, researchers and other experts by developing possibilities for studying and working”
” Results-based operations ensure flexibility and adaptability”