New sustainable development and responsibility programme at SAMK
SAMK's programme of sustainable development and responsibility has been launched. Issues related to this theme are not new at SAMK, as the first action plan was launched already in 2012.

SAMK has photovoltaic systems in use for teaching and research.
Several years ago, SAMK signed its environmental policy and became a climate partner of the City of Pori. The Climate Commitment between the City of Pori and SAMK was signed in 2017. SAMK campus Pori also has photovoltaic systems on its roof, with a total output of about 30 kW. The systems are used for both teaching and research purposes.
– Sustainable development and responsibility are integrated into everything happening at SAMK, says Riitta Tempakka, Dean of the Faculty of Logistics and Maritime Technology, who is also the leader of the working group that prepared the programme.
The new programme focuses on both SAMK’s carbon handprint and carbon footprint. The carbon footprint is linked to SAMK’s strategic goal to become a carbon-neutral university by 2030.
Experts for the future labour market
The carbon footprint has three separate themes, which are related not only to responsibility and the promotion of sustainable development in SAMK’s activities but also to the training of experts and RDI activities.
– The most important of these themes is that we are training experts on sustainable development and responsibility for the labour market of the future, says Tempakka.
More than a year ago, SAMK undertook a curriculum reform. The basic idea was that for each degree programme and each course of study, a reflection was made on how sustainable development relates to the field and the course in question.
More information:
Riitta Tempakka, Dean, Faculty of Logistics and Maritime Technology, 044 710 3639,
Read more about SAMK’s programme of sustainable development and responsibility
SAMK’s sustainable development and responsibility programme
The programme has been prepared by SAMK’s Sustainable Development and Responsibility Working Group, led by Riitta Tempakka (in the picture).
The programme consists of three main themes”:
- SAMK is responsible and promotes sustainable development
- SAMK trains experts who promote sustainable development
- SAMK’s RDI activities produce solutions to sustainability challenges
SAMK’s strategic goal is to be a carbon-neutral university by 2030.
The programme is based on The programme for the sustainable development and responsibility of universities of applied sciences developed by The Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene.
Responsibility means that SAMK considers the direct and indirect impacts on the surrounding society in all its operations.
Sustainable development means development that is ecologically, socially, culturally and economically sustainable.