Meet SAMK in Morocco 18–21 April 2024 at the Forum International de l’Etudiant de Casablanca

SAMK will participate in International Student Fair in Casablanca, Morocco, together with 5 Finnish universities of applied sciences in the Finland section.

SAMK and students at the international student fair.

Forum International de l’Etudiant de Casablanca on 18–21 April 2024 is one of the biggest student fairs in Morocco with over 750 institutions from more than 20 countries participating. More than 180,000 participants are expected to attend the event over the four days.

International Student Fair is a perfect opportunity to learn about the endless possibilities of studying around the world. SAMK will be showcasing higher education study opportunities in Finland. SAMK welcomes all students, their parents, student counsellors and other interested Moroccans who wish to learn more about bachelor’s and master’s study options at SAMK to come and meet us during the event. Bienvenue à tous!

Forum International de l’Etudiant de Casablanca
Date: 18–21 April
Time: 9.30–18.30
Place: At La Foire Internationale de Casablanca, in front of the Hassan II Mosque
More information about the event.

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The graduation ceremony audience and the Duo Erika & Pauliina on stage.

240 students graduated from SAMK in June

Altogether 240 students graduated from SAMK in June. 56 of them graduated with a Master’s degree. SAMK congratulates all the graduates.

Vaaleanpunaisia ruusuja korissa nurmikolla. Pink roses in a basket on the lawn.

244 students graduated from SAMK in May

Altogether 244 students graduated from SAMK in May. 33 of them graduated with a Master’s degree. SAMK congratulates all the graduates.


77 students graduated from SAMK in April

Altogether 77 students graduated from SAMK in April. 12 of them graduated with a Master's degree. SAMK congratulates all the graduates.