356 students graduated from SAMK in December

Altogether 356 students graduated from SAMK in December. 63 of them graduated with a Master´s degree. A record total of 1,232 students graduated from SAMK in 2023.

Kimppu valkoisia ja vaaleanpunaisia kukkia
Hanna-Maria Mäkelä

Altogether 356 students graduated from SAMK in December. 63 of them graduated with a Master´s degree.

Below are the graduates from English degree programmes. All the graduate information has been published on SAMK news in Finnish. All the graduates have not wanted their name published.

Bachelor´s degrees

Bachelor of Business Administration
Briffaux Sasha
Engren Atte
Laanti Noora
Maanavilja Topi
Nemmar Sabrina
Rajala Mikael
Saarenpää Niko
Suutarinen Oula
Vaahtera Johanna Bachelor of Engineering
Bao Kun
Bärlund Olga
Jokisalo Olga
Kchikache Chaimaa
Nyein Phoo
Risku Jouko
Yu Muqun
Nikkanen Tomi
Sarigül Enver Bachelor of Health Care
Allegrini-Simonetti Juliette
Dimants Klavs
Engetou Enga
Fazekas Anna
Fonjai Mirabel
Lehti Katri
Lim Young
Lindström Eeva
Malachy Obodoeze Ifeoma
Mudi Rassendyll
Ngangjoh Amina
Pirklova Karolina
Putkuri Sampo
Senay Charles
Tiwari Pardip Bachelor of Maritime Management
Kilpinen Jaakko

Master´s degrees

Master of Business Admininistration
Morsia Pia
Mäkitalo Paula Master of Health Care
Lehtokallio Titta Master of Maritime Management
Hakala Timo
Sørensen René

You can also get to know the theses. Each thesis includes at least the abstract in English. Some of the theses from degree programmes in Finnish are written in English.

SAMK congratulates all the graduates.

SAMK Theses

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The graduation ceremony audience and the Duo Erika & Pauliina on stage.

240 students graduated from SAMK in June

Altogether 240 students graduated from SAMK in June. 56 of them graduated with a Master’s degree. SAMK congratulates all the graduates.

Vaaleanpunaisia ruusuja korissa nurmikolla. Pink roses in a basket on the lawn.

244 students graduated from SAMK in May

Altogether 244 students graduated from SAMK in May. 33 of them graduated with a Master’s degree. SAMK congratulates all the graduates.


77 students graduated from SAMK in April

Altogether 77 students graduated from SAMK in April. 12 of them graduated with a Master's degree. SAMK congratulates all the graduates.