SAMK students studying outside in summer.

Summer and winter school

Get a sneak peek of multidisciplinary education at SAMK

SAMK summer and winter school is a unique combination of high-quality academic content and versatile social programme in the Cities of Pori or Rauma surrounded by beautiful nature.

Welcome to enjoy the Finnish summer or winter

Deepen your knowledge with courses covering a range of academic fields and up-to-date topics, make new international friends, and experience the beautiful Finnish summer or winter.


SAMK organises summer and winter schools on a tailor-made model for groups of at least 10 people. Summer or winter schools usually last one or two weeks. Free time program can be arranged for the group too as well as accommodation and transportation.

Please contact us for an offer according to your needs.

Group of students from Taiwan.

SAMK's Winter School brings culture and insights to Taiwanese senior high school students

For two weeks, SAMK has been hosting visitors from Taiwan. The group consists of about thirty students from two senior high schools, New Taipei Municipal Jhangshu International Creative Technical High School and Living Word Lutheran High School. The students are accompanied by one teacher and two principals.